Forgot your password? To use our self-service password option, set it up by going to MenuMy system profileChange/Set up. AWE (Approval Workflow Engine) tables. Installing Peoplesoft in Windows Laptop. Debugging Emails in Peoplesoft. Using MCF Outbound classes to send Email in PeopleSoft. So, if you set the EmailReplyTo property, the class uses that email id as the sender else it uses the user’s email id from PSUSEREMAIL as the sender. I’m on PT 8.54.08. If you want a dynamic table or something similar, you can generate it as shown here and append it to the Message property. This is the email that the code sends out. EMail Collaboration refers to the delivered feature that allows a Requisition to move through the workflow approval process (AWE) by routing an approval form to a users e-mail which will allow them to approve or deny a Requisition right from their e-mail without ever having to open up the PeopleSoft Enterprise application. Import Gmail SSL certificate in PeopleSoft; Configure application server and process scheduler; For this post I will be using PeopleSoft on Virtualbox based on the OVM templates. First I created a new Gmail account with password ovmwelc0me (password changed after writing this post). Once the gmail account is created.
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Note: PeopleSoft Expenses delivers an approval and workflowconfiguration as part of system data. You can activate or inactivatetransactions and approver types to match your business requirements.Oracle recommends that you manage your approval rules only through the PeopleSoft Expenses configurationpages; otherwise, modifications to the Approval Framework configurationdata could disrupt approval routing. PeopleSoft Expenses supportsonly user lists that are based on application class. Using other userlist sources may require customizing your system.
Due to the complex rules used by PeopleSoft Expenses,the PeopleTools - Monitor Approvals page should not be used to approveor deny expense transactions. To approve and deny expense transactions,use the PeopleSoft Expenses approval pages that are documented inthe Approving topics.
Many organizations enforce rules and policies relatedto expenses that employees and contractors incur for which they seekreimbursement. To manage these rules and policies, organizations canrequire one or more approvals for expense transactions as a normalpart of the business process. The expense transaction types supportedfor approvals in PeopleSoft Expenses are travel authorizations, cashadvances, expense reports, time reports, and time adjustments. Youcan activate all or some of the transaction types for approval throughthe approval configuration pages.
Organizations can have one or more types of approversranging from a departmental reviewer to an auditor who reviews expensetransactions after reimbursements are processed. The approval processin PeopleSoft Expenses can involve certain actions that an approvercan perform such as Approve, Deny, Send Back, Save, and Hold. Theactions that an approver can take are determined through setup andconfiguration of the approver. Reviewing and approving expense transactionsare performed through a set of pages that are accessed through theSummary Approvals pages, worklist, email, or email notification. Theseare a centralized set of pages used by approvers and auditors. PeopleSoftExpenses enables reviewers, approvers, and auditors to drill downto the transaction detail where they can view, modify, add, deny,undeny, or take action on the transaction. PeopleSoft Expenses alsoprovides the ability to view or take action on expense transactionsdirectly through an email approval message, depending on the configurationof your system.
Summary Approvals
The PeopleSoft Expenses approval functionality enablesreviewers, approvers, and auditors to review and approve multipleexpense transactions with one approval action. You control the approveractions that can be used on the summary approval pages. You can disablesummary approvals if it violates company policy for expense approvalsand disable transactions for approval on the summary approval pagesif they have exceptions or contain risk. You can also configure approvalsso that an approver with multiple roles can see the same transactiononly once. Depending on how you set up PeopleSoft Expenses, reviewers,approvers, and auditors can:
Approve some or all expense transactionsin their queues with one action.
Approve all expense transactiontypes on one page or approve by transaction type.
Drill down to view additionalinformation and take action on transactions at the detail level.
Change the sort order of transactionsand view them sequentially in the new order.
Search for transactions in apending approval status.
View expense history for oneor more employees prior to approval.
View risk and urgency alerts.
Approve transactions using anydevice that is capable of receiving HTML emails, including mobileand handheld devices.
Pooled Approvers
You establish pooled approvers by assigning multipleapprovers to the same routing range of ChartFields or by adding multipleprofiles to the Expenses Approval Setup - Approver Routing List. Inboth cases, you must select the Notify AllApprovers option in the SubmissionNotifications group box on the Approver Routing List page.The system by default requires only one approver out of the pool toapprove a transaction. You can modify this to reflect the number ofapprovers that your organization requires by changing the Number of Approvers Needed value on the Setup Process Definitions – Approval Step Definition - Step page.
The following rules apply to pooled approver functionality:
If you configure the system torequire only one approver from a pool of approvers, and one of theapprovers performs an approval action, the system withdraws the transactionfrom the other approvers' queues.
If you establish multiple profileson the Expenses Approval Setup - Approver Routing list with multipleapprovers assigned to each profile, the system requires only one approvalfrom the pool if you set the Number of ApproversNeeded field to 1 on the Setup Process Definitions – Approval Step Definition - Steppage.
If you define a profile on anapprover list that is associated with a refinement or filter thatexcludes a transaction, the system excludes the approvers assignedto that profile from the pool. For example, Auditor1, Auditor2, andAuditor3 profiles are on the prepayment auditor approver list. Auditor2uses a refinement that selects only expense reports that contain project-relatedexpenses. When an employee submits an expense report that does notcontain project-related expenses, the approver pool consists of approversassigned to the Auditor1 and Auditor3 profiles only. Auditor2 is excludedfrom the pool because no project-related expenses were included inthe expense report.
If all approvers in a pool areexcluded by the system because of refinements associated with theirprofiles, the system automatically approves the transaction for thatrole.
If all approvers on an approverlist are defined with amount-based rules that exclude a submittedtransaction, the system routes the transaction to the employee's supervisor.If the supervisor has already approved the transaction, the systemroutes the transaction to the next approval stage. If it is the laststage for approving an expense report or cash advance for payment,the system sets the status to Approved forPayment.
Email Approvals
Email approvals can be used to approve, deny, andsend back expense transactions using email without requiring the userto sign in to the PeopleSoft Expenses system. PeopleSoft Expensesuses email collaboration within the approval framework to receiveemails with interactive content. An approver can receive an emailthat contains the detail of the transaction and can approve the transaction.
Email approvals can be sent to a handheld mobiledevice or any email application capable of handling HTML or HTML attachments.
Understanding Line Level Approval
Line level approvalenables approved time lines to flow to Project Costing when othertime lines, for the same time report, are not approved.
Report levelapproval requires that all lines (of a time report) are approved priorto sending each time line to Project Costing. Using report level approvalmeans that time lines for one project manager can be delayed becauseother project managers have not approved their time lines in a timelymanner.
Using line levelapprovals for time reports allows individual time lines, which havebeen approved, to be processes to Project Costing faster. To enablethis feature the Timesheet Line is Approved radio button is selected onthe Business Unit 2 page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, BusinessUnit Related, Expense, Expenses Definition, Business Unit 2).
When using linelevel approval for time reports, an employee creates a time reportthat includes multiple lines for multiple projects. The time reportlines are distributed to the approval manager of each project, andthe approval managers can individually approve the time lines belongingto their projects. After a time line is approved, that line can besent to Project Costing, while other time lines are waiting to beapproved. This eliminates the process of holding the entire time reportfrom proceeding to Project Costing while waiting for all approvalmanagers to approve their individual time lines.
For example,an employee works on more than one project within a time report andenters multiple lines on their time report. Each line has a differentproject ID and each project is managed by a different project manager.Each project manager must approve the time report line for the projectsfor which they are responsible.
Keep these points in mind:
If a line on a timereport is approved, then that line is available to the system, tosend to Project Costing.
If there are threelines on a time report, one line is sent back and the other two areapproved, and the employee corrects the line and resubmits the timereport for approval. The system does not require the other two projectmanagers to re-approve the other two lines, as long as no changesoccurred to the lines for which they were responsible. Only the projectmanager for which the line was sent back needs to approve the corrections.
Note: Thisscenario applies to expense reports, travel authorizations, and timereports.
If a line on a timereport has been approved or sent to Project Costing, then the lineis not available for the employee to change.
Fluid Approvals Peoplesoft
This is a step-by-stepexample of the approval workflow for a time report that has multipleproject lines, when line-level approval is enabled for the businessunit:
Time reports areapproved by an HR Supervisor first, then Project Managers.
An employee submitsa time report that has two lines, which are for project A and projectB.
The HR Supervisorapproves the time report.
The Project Managerapproves the time line for project A.
This line is eligibleto send to Project costing.
The Project Managersends the time line for project B back for revision.
The employee correctsthe line for project B and resubmits it.
The time reportis routed to the HR Supervisor again, who approves the time report.
The time reportis not routed to the Project Manager for project A because they havealready approved it and no changes were made to this time line.
The time reportis routed to the Project Manager for project B, who approves the timereport line.
Project Manager SelfApproval
Peoplesoft Approval Workflow Engine
If a projectmanager adds time to their own time report and the Self Approval checkbox is selected on the Approval Step Definition page (Enterprise Components,Approvals, Approvals, Approval Process Setup. In the Steps section,click the Details icon), then the system automatically changes thestatus of the time report to approved.