Basic codes for The Sims 4:
- Enable Cheats Sims 4 Xbox
- Debug Cheats Enabled Sims 4
- Testing Cheats Enabled Sims 4
- Testing Cheats Enabled Sims 4
- Sims 4 Unlimited Money Code
- Testing Cheats Enabled Sims 4 Code
September 2014 in The Sims 4 General Discussion SO, it is just me or does the testingcheatsenabled true cheat not work anymore in the Sims 4. I used to use it (more then I probably should have) in the Sims 3 and when I tried to see if I could use it (being curious) when I first bought the game I couldn't get it to work. The Sims 4 Snowy Escape Expansion Pack comes loaded with new gameplay elements and normally with them also come cheats that help you progress through such features! Down below we’ve listed all the cheats uncovered from the pack including Skill Cheats, Career Cheats, Trait Cheats, Lifestyle Cheats, Death Cheats and more!
Help – displays a list of all available codes.
The Sims 4: Complete List of All Cheats Free Download
resetSim {First name} {Last name} – reset sim
fullscreen – enables and disables fullscreen mode
headlineeffects on / off – enables and disables the display of thoughts above the sim’s head
hovereffects on / off – removes the white outline when hovering over a sim or object
Death.toggle – disables the arrival of Death, Sims can no longer die
FreeRealEstate on / off – all houses become free (the code is entered when you are in a district or town)
motherlode – Adds 50,000 Simoleons
kaching – adds 1000 simoleons
rosebud – adds 1000 simoleons
Shift +] – makes objects larger
Developer Code for Sims 4:
TestingCheats true / false – with developer code entered, you can use the following features:
cas.fulleditmode – Gives access to the hidden capabilities of the character creation room (CAS)
Shift + click on a sim:
Reset Object – reboot sim
Add to Family – adds a Sim to a family
Modify in CAS – Moves the Sim to CAS, where you can change everything except the name and traits
Cheat Motive> Make Happy – Instantly raises all needs to the maximum
Cheat Motive> Enable Motive Decay – activates the need scale change
Cheat Motive> Disable Motive Decay – Disables needs
Shift + click on an object:
Reset Object – reloading an object
Make Dirty – makes an object dirty
Make Clean – cleans up a dirty object
Shift + click on mailbox:
Reset Object – reboot the mailbox
Shift + click on the ground:
Teleport Me Here – moves the sim as close as possible to the selected location (on the active lot)
Cheat Codes for skills:
level 10 (you can bet from 1 to 10).

mechanics – stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness 10
garden – stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening 10
fishing – stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10
chef – stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking 10
drinks – stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending 10
gourmet – stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking 10
piano – stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano 10
violin – stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin 10
guitar – stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10
drawing – stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting 10
logic – stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic 10
fitness – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness 10
charm – stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10
writer – stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing 10
comedy – stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10
video games – stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming 10
programmer – stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming 10
rocket – stats.set_skill_level Major_RocketScience 10
mischief – stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief 10
work by death – stats.set_skill_level Major_Reaping 10
motor skills – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor 10
communication – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social 10
intelligence – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental 10
creativity – stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity 10
Cheat Codes for Career Promotion:
chef careers.promote Culinary
writer – careers.promote Writer
artist – careers.promote Painter
performer – careers.promote Entertainer
technician – careers.promote TechGuru
secret agent – careers.promote SecretAgent
crime – careers.promote Criminal
astronaut – careers.promote Astronaut
Cheat Codes for Promotion in a Teenage Career:
bartender – careers.promote Barista
nanny – careers.promote BabySitter
fast food worker – careers.promote FastFood
handyman – careers.promote ManualLabor
retail employee – careers.promote Retail
Cheat Codes to improve scores in children and adolescents:
improving the child’s assessment at school – Careers.promote Gradeschool
teenage grade promotion at school – Careers.promote Highschool
Demotion Cheat Codes:
chef – Careers.demote Culinary
writer – Careers.demote Writer
artist – Careers.demote Painter
performer – Careers.demote Entertainer
technician – Careers.demote TechGuru
Secret Agent – Careers.demote SecretAgent
crime – Careers.demote Criminal
astronaut – Careers.demote Astronaut
Cheat Codes for a Demotion in a Teenage Career:
bartender – careers.demote Barista
nanny – careers.demote BabySitter
fast food worker – careers.demote FastFood
handyman – careers.demote ManualLabor
retail employee – careers.demote Retail
Cheat Codes for Reward Shop Prize Traits
traits.equip_trait SuperGreenThumb – Gardening Genius
traits.equip_trait Savant – polymath
traits.equip_trait ProfessionalSlacker – the eternal bummer
traits.equip_trait NeverWeary – relentless
traits.equip_trait HardlyHungry – Hungry Tamer
traits.equip_trait GreatKisser – kissing lover
traits.equip_trait Fertile – large number of children
traits.equip_trait Connections – connections
traits.equip_trait Entrepreneurial – Entrepreneur
traits.equip_trait Carefree – carefree
traits.equip_trait Antiseptic – cleanliness
traits.equip_trait Beguiling – seducer
traits.equip_trait SteelBladder – Bladder Trainer
traits.equip_trait Shameless – shamelessness
traits.equip_trait Observant – astute
traits.equip_trait Independent – a capable student
traits.equip_trait Frugal – Lean
traits.equip_trait CreativeVisionary – Visualist
traits.equip_trait Marketable – Business acumen
traits.equip_trait FreeServices – free services
traits.equip_trait SpeedReader – fast read
traits.equip_trait NightOwl – owl
traits.equip_trait Mentor – Mentor
traits.equip_trait SpeedCleaner – Fast Cleaning
traits.equip_trait Morning – Lark
traits.equip_trait AlwaysWelcome – welcome guest
traits.equip_trait GymRat – sports lover
Removing a prize line:
traits.remove_trait <название черты>
traits.clear_traits – removes absolutely all traits
Relationship promotion code:
modifyrelationship <имя фамилия вашего сима><имя фамилия выбранного сима><значение от 0 до 100< <тип отношений> – increases the scale of relationships (friendship / romance) with the selected sim
Relationship types: Friendship_Main / Romance_Main
Example of entering code: modifyrelationship Jim Payne Claire Smith 100 Friendship_Main
relationship.make_all_sims_friends – Increases relationships with all residents
relationships.create_friends_for_sim – generates a random sim on your lot with a half full friendship scale
relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others – get to know all residents
relationship.destroy – breaks the relationship with the specified sim (code for id below)
relationship.add_bit <вид отношений> – changes the look of the relationship between the specified sims
Relationship types
Getting a Sim ID:
Some codes will require you to enter your sim id.
sims.get_sim_id_by_name <имя><фамилия>

Money code:
Money <сумма> – changes the family budget (enter the exact amount)
Sims.modify_funds + / – <сумма> – adds or subtracts a specific amount from the budget
Input example: Money 25000 or Sims.modify_funds +500
Cheat Codes on Sim Death:
sims.add_buff buff_Death_Electrocution_Warning – Enter code when sim repairs an object
sims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning – death from exhaustion (does not work in all cases)
Cheat Codes for points / fulfillment of a goal in life / receiving points rewards:
aspirations.complete_current_milestone – completes one of the stages to achieve a life goal and awards points for it
sims.add_buff Points – adds 100 points (to use this code again, entersims.remove_buff Points)
objects.consumables_infinite_toggle – purchased potions do not end (the code is entered before buying a potion). Also applies to cooked food, but it spoils as usual.
Cheat Codes for receiving and removing rewards:
traits.equip_trait <название награды> – adds the specified reward
traits.remove_trait <название награды> – removes the specified reward
Names of awards
- AlwaysWelcome – welcome guest
- Antiseptic – cleanliness
- Beguiling – seducer
- Carefree – carefree
- Connections – connections
- CreativeVisionary – visualist
- Entrepreneurial – entrepreneur
- Fertile – large families
- FreeServices – free services
- Frugal – lean
- GreatKisser – Kissing Lover
- GymRat – sports lover
- HardlyHungry – hunger tamer
- Independent is a capable student
- Marketable – business acumen
- Mentor – mentor
- MorningPerson – Lark
- NeverWeary – not tired
- NightOwl – owl
- Observant – discerning
- ProfessionalSlacker – eternal bummer
- Savant – polymath
- Shameless – shamelessness
- SpeedCleaner – fast cleaning
- SpeedReader – fast reading
- SteelBladder – Bladder Tamer
- SuperGreenThumb – the genius of gardening
traits.clear_traits – removes all purchased rewards
The code to raise a separate need:
fillmotive <тип потребности> – fills the scale of the specified need
Example: fillmotive motive_hunger
Cheat Codes for Emotes and Moodlets:
Sims.add_buff <тип состояния> – brings the sim into the specified emotional state
Emotion names
- Intense: EnergizedLow or EnergizedHigh
- Flirty: FlirtyLow or FlirtyHigh
- Inspired by: InspiredLow or InspiredHigh
- Attentive: FocusedLow or FocusedHigh
- Naughty: PlayfulLow or PlayfulHigh
- Sad: SadLow or SadHigh
- Angry: Social_Angry, e_Buff_Angry, feelingangry, unfaithful
- Happy: Social_Happy or e_Buff_Happy
- Unsure: e_buff_uncomfortable
- Confused: e_buff_embarrassed, peedself
Sims.remove_buff <тип состояния> – brings the sim out of the specified emotional state
Sims.remove_all_buffs – removes all moodlets
sims.spawn – Teleports a random Sim to your lot and adds him to the family
sims.spawnSimple <количество симов> – generates the specified number of sims on your site (with a large number, the game may freeze)
sims.add_buff NPC_Maid – Sim will automatically clean up when dirty dishes appear, etc..
In The Sims 4, you have the ability to simulate real life, with its fair share of difficulties and hardships. But why struggle? Why not just cheat your way into a wealthy state, where you can have everything you want at your disposal? Why not have all objects and all items unlocked in The Sims 4 and ready to use? And when you can’t do it in the real world, at least do it in a game? Yup, it’s totally possible to unlock all items and you can do it without any CC or mods! Here we are talking about a couple of cheats that you can use in combination to open up the game and have everything for free! But first, here is why you should do it:
- Access to hidden and unlockable items
- Upgrade your build mode collection
- Quicker and easier gameplay overall
Enable Cheats Sims 4 Xbox
With the cheats to unlock all items and objects in The Sims 4, you have complete freedom over your simming experience. No longer will you have to limit your creative ideas to the base game options in The Sims 4, and instead, you will be able to do exactly what you want! Build a house out of your dreams or construct the perfect bowling ball alley for your Sims… The applications are really limitless.
These are the three main cheats to use to unlock all items and objects in The Sims 4
Debug Cheats Enabled Sims 4
How to Unlock All Object-based Items
The first cheat we’ll be discussing here is bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement. This cheat is used to unlock all objective-based items and make them available for playing. However, in order to make it work, you will first need to enable cheats in your game.
If you’ve never enabled cheats in The Sims 4, there is only one way to do it! You will need to jump in your game, then hit the combo of SHIFT + CTRL + C on your keyboard and insert the command testingcheats true in the dialogue bar. What this will do is that it will enable all further cheats to work without a problem. Whenever you’re done with this step, you can proceed with the actual cheat you want to activate.
In this case, after you’ve triggered the testingcheats true command, you will need to insert the bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement one. The cheat will make all of the object-based items appear in your menu. And when you search them up, you will notice that you can buy them and place them whenever you want, just like any other item in the game!
How to Unlock All Building-based Items
The next cheat is what makes the whole building experience a pure joy for us at SnootySims! Whether it’s a whole building or a small cottage house, we really can’t play without this cheat on.
The cheat command is bb.showliveeditobjects and it unlocks all building-based items in The Sims 4. To activate it, you will once again need to apply the testingcheats true command first. After you’ve done that, proceed with the bb.showliveeditobjects cheat in the dialogue bar.
Testing Cheats Enabled Sims 4

The bb.showliveeditobjects cheat is a great way to try new things when creating a new household. It’s definitely interesting to mess around with all the new choices, so don’t hesitate to try out the cheat and definitely don’t be afraid to experiment!
How to Unlock All Hidden Items
Remember those special items you see when your Sim performs some random action, like brushing her teeth? Well, the toothbrush is an example of a hidden item that you can’t really use. However, it’s totally possible to access this sort of items and also to use it however you want. And the only way to do so is with the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat.
To activate the cheat, you must go through the same steps as with the previous two cheats. The first thing is to enable the usage of cheats in your game through testingcheats true and then to insert the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat command. When you’re done, you will have all the hidden objects in The Sims 4 on your menu.
Testing Cheats Enabled Sims 4
If you’re having trouble finding these items, try typing “debug” in the search bar of your menu. These objects are also called buydebug items and they include everything from toothbrushes to mops. And you can use them endlessly to decorate your home.
Sims 4 Unlimited Money Code
Testing Cheats Enabled Sims 4 Code
Cheating in The Sims 4 isn’t like cheating in other games. Here, the main thing is to have the best simming experience possible, but also to have a lot of fun. And if the game permits you to do the things you really want to do, then why not cheat and create your own universe inside the game?
We, at SnootySims, really value our freedom when it comes to The Sims 4. We like to explore without limits and these three cheats help us enormously in that. If you’re like us and you aren’t afraid to try out new stuff, then we recommend them to you too! Happy simming!
For more on this topic, check this awesome clip!